Sing it out loud!

Posted by ~Summer~ on February 10, 2012
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I like to sing since I was a kid.

I sing when I'm taking a bath, I sing when I'm cooking, I sing when I'm promenading in the park. I even decided to compose my own love song and we sang our way into the ballroom at our wedding. To be able to do something I love on the most important day of my life with the man of my dreams, I guess that felt like heaven.

Somehow, singing has the power to make me smile, to chase away the blues, to let my hair down and even to heal wounds.

After I came to Sweden, where there are no KBox or Party World or karaoke lounges for me to sing my lungs out, I still found a way to do it. Every day.

It's just that from singing Mandarin pop songs, I've switched to singing lullabies and nursery rhymes.

Yeah, I sing with Angel every day. Ever since she was in my tummy, jw and I loved to sing to her. Let's just say she has probably inherited my love for singing.


When she was younger,

Me: Let's sing a song together, shall we? Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, La la la la la la... *fades off*

Angel: MUMMY! Can you sing with meeeeeeee, please?

Conclusion: I don't sing unless I have a partner to sing with me and that's mummy.


When she got older,

Me: Let's sing a song together, shall we?

Husband takes over and starts to sing: Twinkle, twinkle little star...

Angel: Nooooooo! Daddy don't sing, Mummy sing!!!!!

Me: *gives smug look to husband* Sure darling, let's sing together!"

Conclusion: I don't sing unless I have my backing vocalist and that has to be mummy.



Me: Let's sing a song together, shall we? London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling...

Angel: *stops my singing abruptly* Noooooo! Mummy don't sing, Angel sing!

Me: Erm, ok. *gives hurt look but continues to hum secretly in the background*

Angel: Mummy, didn't you hear me? I said let ME sing!

Conclusion: I don't sing unless I have my audience and that is you, mummy.


So, from once the lead singer, I'm now the audience whenever my girl wants to show off her melodious singing. Yeah, love is blind, you will think that your kid has the voice of an angel even if he/she croons like a frog. Here is a video of her singing when she had that wound on her face and bandage on her ear just a couple of days after that frightful accident. Check out how she tried to pose when she thought that I was taking her picture.

My mum told me that she never sang to me when I was a kid and though I don't blame her in the slightest, I do think it's a pity. To me, singing is one of the best ways to bond with your kid, to let them learn new words and start talking sooner, and most importantly, it makes them happy!!  So to all parents out there, if you haven't tried singing to, and with, your child, you gotta try it at least once and see how it goes.

It doesn't matter that you don't sing half as good as Whitney Houston or Justin Bieber and it doesn't even matter if you sing Do-Fa-La instead of Do-Re-Mi. I mean, honestly, who cares? Just S-I-N-G!

For one, it's not like your kid is Simon Cowell and will make you feel like an idiot singing. Also, for all you know, even if you do sound like one eventually, he/she might like it so much and make you feel like you have the most beautiful and enchanting voice on earth.

If singing makes my girl happy and I can always see that wide smile on her face, I bet I wouldn't mind being her 忠实听众 (faithful audience) forever.

P/S: Then mummy will hold her private concert after you go to bed, ok?


  1. That's so cute Summer! When my older kids were little, I used to sit outside their rooms and play my guitar and sing them to sleep. Then they got older, took vocal lessons ( I have talented kids! lol!)and now they sing! These days, I sing along with the radio/cd in the car as the younger kids and I drive back and forth to karate classes. Singing is definitely a great way to lift a mood and makes jobs get done quicker! Keep singing Summer! PS.. love the video!!!

    1. Well said, singing definitely lifts my mood up and yes, it somehow makes the tough household chores a little less tough. =) Thanks for visiting and you bet I will keep singing!

  2. Haha, one of the skills I pick up as a parent is to sing sing sing without inhibition. I think I throw strangers off when I sing to my little girl. What to do? As parents, we are entertainers as one of our job scope.

    1. Haha yeah sometimes I feel like a clown but for some reason, I feel happy doing it. And yes, singing without inhibition is such an important skill and hard thing to do! =)

  3. Angel is super adorable!! Although her pitch / words are not 100% correct, who cares?? That's the CUTENESS of it all!! hehe... keep up the singing, Angel day, i will see you on Jue2 Dui4 Superstar ya??? =))


    1. Haha, she super improved already but because it's not accurate then all the cuter, right? =) Jue dui superstar still around? Lol. But no need lar, next time we go KTV with our daughters together ok, and then Jay Chou songs will become 'lao ge' (old songs) already!

  4. Encore encore!!! was smiling at my pc screen thruout the vid! sooooooo cute! and oh.. so thats the way she makes a wish! hehe!

  5. Seriously, the way she sings Happy Bday song, I have only 2 words: She WIN.

    Hahahaha, super hilarious!


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